I finally did it. I transferred my pictures from my phone to my computer. I don’t do it as often as I should. As I was watching them sync, I was struck by how many beautiful places we’ve been over the past year.
The best part is simply being reminded of how much beauty there is in this world. It’s easy to focus on the ugliness, because there is plenty, but sometimes I am awestruck by what beautiful things exist in God’s creation. I figure Thanksgiving is a great time to ponder that. Finding beauty in nature can be a religious experience.
To share the beauty, I decided to post a bunch of pictures I took this past year. Now, mind you, I am not a photographer by any stretch, like a Mike Henneke. I am just a guy with a cellphone that likes to take shots of what impresses me – so don’t judge me too harshly – no filters, no editing, just as I saw it.
The point I want to make is that there is, indeed, beauty all around – if we choose to notice it when it is right in front of our eyes, or to search for it when it isn’t so obvious.
I am guessing that many of you feel the same way. I also am guessing that a lot of you took some gorgeous photos of God’s handiwork this past year. If you did, I would LOVE you to share them on my Facebook page, or my personal timeline.
If anything, I think it would be good for Facebook to be inundated with beautiful things, if only for a day. Please join me.
But first, a musical interlude…
And now some pics…
“And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness will be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundredfold, yea, more.” (D&C78:19)
It truly is a beautiful world.

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Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing the beauty of the earth. I live in the South and I love the live oak trees and the vibrant smell of the pines.I walk to my back, yard and see this and more. Have a great week!!
Thanks Brad. Absolutely beautiful. I would love captions, where the pics were taken.
When I lived I a mining tow. In the Australian outback we had a friend.visit us from “the big smoke”, Sydney. His comment was how dry and featureless the country was. Yet I had spent hours photographing the.natural beauties, mostly sprouting from the ground, surrounding us. You just have to look,with a heart that understands who created EVERY part of this wonderful world, and placed treasures there for us to find.
Beautiful pictures! I loved each one. I, too, see the beauty of this wondrous world. As I get older, I seem to appreciate and value it even more. I feel as we become closer to the Spirit through our journey, we are more in tune with these beauties; art, music, scenery, literature, poetry, etc. it truly is a “wonderful world.”
Thanks, Brad! I am often awestruck by the beauty of our earth. Loved your photos!
Beautiful work. Thank you.
I felt especially grateful this year whenever we were blessed to receive even a little rain or heavy dew. We do live in a beau world.