Short Version: I’m not sharing my notes and comments this Conference. 🙁
Long Version: Dickens could have been talking about my September when he wrote, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….” The first half of the month found me and my sweetie gallivanting around the Scottish Highlands. It was amazing.
The second half of the month? Not so amazing. Chrissie and I both have been fighting off another round of Covid. Sick, but not scary sick. We are both on the mend and are back to staggering about our normal lives.
Both times I’ve had Covid, I had a lot of lingering fatigue and “brain fog.” (No wisecracks!) Just getting my regular work done has been a challenge this past week. Even with lots of naps.
I’ve been blogging my “Instant Conference Notes,” for over a decade, and have never missed a session…until today. I simply don’t have it in me, and I’m sad about it. I am also aware that my Conference notes are the most read things that I post on my blog.
It might surprise you, but blogging Conference in real time it is an exhausting endeavor that requires (for me) a great deal of both energy and focus. Right now, I’ve got neither.
In fact, this morning I gave it a shot, but just a few minutes into Elder Bednar’s opening discourse it became apparent to me that there was no way I am sharp enough to do what I normally do. Brain fog? Perhaps. Old age? Stop it.
I’ll might give it another attempt sometime this weekend, but for now, it looks doubtful. (Just this short post was way harder than it should have been.)
I will say that just sitting back and watching the first session without worrying about blogging has been a very sweet respite. The talks were brilliant, and I felt them more because that was my only focus. A nice change of pace. (Sister Wright, Elder Daines, Elder Godoy and President Oaks: Wowza!)
So, I’m sorry if you came looking for my notes. A friend suggested that I pick out what jumps out at me and write a series of posts over the next weeks discussing them. I think I will do some of that.
Anyway, have a great Conference weekend. It’s off to a great start!

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Best wishes ❤️ Take care
I’m getting over covid myself, so I completely understand brain fog & lack of energy. I hope you get over it soon, and I’ll look forward to future comments on conference.
Glad you got to enjoy the spirit of conference. Super sad we don’t get your commentary. Heal well.
I’m super sad that you aren’t posting because I always look forward to your summaries, but you gotta do whatchoo gotta do. Get better, yo!
Prayers for your quick recovery. And I love the idea your friend presented! That way instead of getting all the goodness at once, as the weeks go by, we get to “spread the love” so to speak.
I understand completely Brad. Just watch, make notes as you can and rest. Rest and recover, you are just too valuable to your fans.
Feel better soon!! I do love your conference notes, and I’m so appreciative of the time and effort you have spent over the years! Enjoy a note free conference!
I totally understand. I’ve often thought “How does he do this and publish his post so quickly after the session?” If I pause the broadcast to write down a quote, I find myself quite behind by the end. You are amazing to have done this great service for all of us for so many years. Let yourself rest and enjoy! I think I’ll miss your funny comments about the selection of hymns or other random things more than anything! You always made me laugh because I thought the same thing!
I hope you and your EC feel better soon!
Elder Godoy’s talk comes to mind.. you are not meant to blog it of that I am sure… there is something you need to hear and feel in real time… give your brain some grace the same you would each of us if we had been abused by the virus and what comes with it.. none of us that follow and love you and your blog think any less of you for taking some time to heal… we love you and pray for you… will be adding your name on the prayer roll.. it is amazing to think that we can have the righteous saints of the world praying for us several times a day… one of the great blessing we get to have in these the last days..
Get well soon
Prayers for you both to mend quickly 💜🙏🏻
ditto what has already been said . You have become part of our general conference tradition
I love your notes – but I completely understand putting your health first
So sorry. Long covid is the worst. Rest up and enjoy the spirit. Elder oaks was right on. I will wait to watch all the spinning heads explode
Sorry you feel lousy. I get it. Just came down with a cold, which knocked me out during President Oaks’ talk. For years I have enjoyed comparing your notes with mine to see if you noticed something I missed. I’ll miss doing that this time. Get well.
Feel better.
We will Definitely miss your comments !
I’m sorry that you are not feeling well and I hope that you recover quickly. I must say that I will miss your thoughts on conference. I hope you are able to take the advice of your friend and do a little here and there as you feel like it. I loved this session as well. Great speakers!
You’ll be missed. Get better!