Fists and Brains

–Post-dinner conversation with my 4th grader as we cleaned the kitchen Tuesday evening–

Dad! I need to go to the dollar store!
How come?
Because one of the kid’s at school today had a new calculator. He said he got it at the dollar store.
Really? How much did it cost?
A dollar.
Wow. That’s a good deal.
Can we go?

–I look to my EC for instructions. She nods, granting permission–

Yes, we can go – but first we need to get haircuts. Deal?

— So, off we went for haircuts and then headed to the dollar store for a calculator. When we arrived, he immediately raced down one of the aisles in search of the legendary $1 calculator. He had already found it before I sauntered up. —

Any luck?
Yeah, but this one is kinda boring.
What about this one – it’s bigger and green.
Or this one is green and gray.
That’s even better!
How much is it?
A dollar.
Are you sure?
Dad – it’s the dollar store!
Guess what..
My treat.
What treat?
My treat. That means I’ll pay for it.
No, it’s OK, I brought 4 quarters and a dime – for tax.
I’m happy to pay for it.
No, I’m fine. I’ll pay for it with my own money.
Alright – that’s good. Let’s get some colored Tootsie Rolls* for me, and we’ll get outta here.
Hey Dad – Since I’m paying for my calculator, it would be OK if you bought me some bubble gum.
Sure. Go ask the man how much it costs.
(hesitation) It’s a dollar.
Are you sure?
Ha! Almost got you.

–Then the conversation got a bit more “cerebral”–

Hey Dad. Did you know that your brain is the same size as your fist?
What do you mean?
I read in our “Body Book” at school that my brain is the same size as my fist. Yours too.
I think you mean that your heart is the same size as your fist.
No, I mean brain. It was in the book.
No, your fist is the same size as your heart – mine too – brains are a lot bigger.
But Dad, you aren’t listening. I read it at school.
But look at the size of your head, then look at the size of your fist. Your brain has got to be a lot bigger, or it would bounce around in there.
Yeah, but it says it in the book!  It must be true, or they wouldn’t write it in the book! The book talked about brains, and intestines, and skin, but it didn’t talk about the heart at all. So I would have remembered!
OK, OK, easy! Either you misunderstood, or the book is wrong.
I’m not wrong! You’re wrong! My brain is the size of my fist!

Hmmm. If it were one of my teenagers, I would have readily agreed.


About the author


  1. Calculators for a dollar?! And a fun father/fourth grader date for $2?! Obviously the dollar store is THE place to be! Why wasn’t I told about this???!

  2. How brains have been on the brain lately, my 4 year old drew a picture of a zombie eating someone’s brains…just another tender moment as a parent..

  3. I am surprised you have a 4th grader…Good job looking to your EC for instructions/permission. You are wise beyond your years.

  4. Good stories. My daughter who is now in college once had a part-time job working in the “Dollar Store.” I just loved going in and asking her the price of each item! And then I would complicate things by asking how much for two.

    (And vanilla tootsie rolls are the best!)

  5. My favorite tootsie rolls are the vanilla. Yum. I am so glad our brains don’t bounce around inside our skulls…

  6. Notice you can buy entire packages of JUST regular or JUST vanilla Tootsie Rolls, but you can’t but a package of JUST lime…. Hmm. Wonder why?

  7. My son is getting to the age of knowing it all (he’s 7 1/2).

    When he finds out I’m right, he wonders why I know so much. I just tell him that I’ve had 33 years here on earth, so I’ve had time to learn some things.

  8. He sounds like a great kid! Kind of like my 5th grader, except your sounds less ornery. 😉

    p.s. The only good tootsie roll in that bunch is the vanilla one.

  9. Great story. Reminds me of those days when I was back in the trenches…having just the same sort of discussions.

    I miss it, actually.

    sort of


  10. He’s close! The brain is the size of BOTH of your fists together.

    That said, I love this parental anecdote. Conversations with my kids are pretty similar (as I’m sure it is with most parents, eh?) and give me loads and loads of laughter (without them seeing, of course. Wouldn’t want to traumatize them or anything. On purpose….)

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