Peace on Earth, Goodwill…Hey! Get Your Broom Outta My Face

In Bethlehem there is a church called the Church of the Nativity. Tradition holds that it was built over a cave where Jesus was born. It is one of the oldest continually operating churches in the world. It is considered holy by most Christians.

Both the Greek Orthodox Church and the Armenian Church claim possession of the church.  Both work together in a spirit of cooperation and harmony as they maintain the building.

Not really.

Actually they hate each other. Yesterday the priests were working side-by-side, cleaning the church in preparation for the “Orthodox Christmas” (Which claims Jesus was born on January 7. Oh no! Yet another date?)
It was then that love, peace and sanctity broke out – in the form of a fabulous broom fight.

Broom fight?!  Here is the video:

Yes, those are the clergymen.  You may ask “How is it that so many policemen suddenly materialized in the church?”
The answer – apparently this happens all the time. Maybe in their Seminary training they have coursework on assault and broom tossing.  The one guy in the middle had terrific form.

This whole episode kind of sucks all the fun out of church basketball jokes.


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  1. John: The version I heard was that an unnamed church leader whose name rhymed with “McDay” went there and suggested that it was NOT the place. But that is just anecdotal.

    I’ll do some checking to see if there is any more credible info on that.

  2. I am glad I didn’t know that it happens “all the time: when I went there a few years ago.
    It was packed with tourists when I went. Was that them cowering at the back of the video or was the place closed?
    BTW Loved the chim chim chiree quote Freja.

  3. MMM, sometimes religion gives religion a bad name. Know what I mean? But as that one guy on “Muppets Take Manhatten” said, “Peoples is peoples.” I guess.

    Also, I think either The Church, or some prophet of The Church but without being The Church’s official stand, or something like that, went to the supposed birthplace of The Savior and said that it was, indeed, the place. Have you heard that?

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