My Capacitor Went Bad

Last week we went on our annual Family Reunion trip, so for most of the last week I was out of the blogging loop. Now that I am back, I would like to thank all of the many, many faithful readers who let me know that they missed my posts while I was gone.  And by “all of the many, many,” I mean “both,” and by “both,” I mean Carlyn and Kayla. Thanks!

Before I tell you of our adventures on vacation, I will tell you about our misadventure upon returning:  Our AC went out.  We got home and the house was hot. We turned the air down, but it just didn’t seem to be cooling off. Welcome home!  This morning we had our HVAC guy come take a look. He spent about 20 minutes – I spent about $200 – turns out that the “capacitor”had gone bad.  The capacitor is a little doo-hickey that stores energy and keep the energy level where it needs to be to run the equipment.

Strangely, we had turned the thermostat way up to save electricity while we were gone. When we got home and needed to return to our normal energy usage, it was too much, and the capacity couldn’t handle the increase in demand. Basically, the capacitor was worn out, and couldn’t store energy, or keep the energy level where it needed to be.

This is also a perfect description of me on vacation. When I got back, I had had not stored any energy. Reinvigorated? Forget it. It was all I could do to drag myself into work today.  My groove was seriously thrown  off.

I had great intentions of using some of the time to think deep thoughts, do some writing, get a little work done, and up my activity level. Let’s just say my capacitor went bad. Instead, I stayed up too late, slept in too late, ate too much, and stared mindlessly into space.  Yes, it was fantastic.

We had a great time with immediate and extended family. We played games. We read a lot. We saw the new and unnecessary Spiderman. (It was good). We watched fireworks on the 4th. Threw the frisbee. We relaxed a lot.

Remember: This vacation started about 36 hours after FOML2’s wedding reception ended. We were ready for a break.  Word to the wise:  Never plan to leave on vacation 36 hours after your child’s wedding reception.  The first 3 days of vacation are entirely recovery time – and I don’t remember a lot of it.

Also, until children actually become parents themselves, they will never understand what mom and dad go through to take a week off. When you are a kid, you assume that a week off means just that.  The reality is that the week you are taking off doesn’t really go away, it just gets crushed into the days before and after the trip. The result of this impact is near-comatose parents, and children wondering why mom and dad are so boring.

That said, what I remember of the vacation was wonderful. Except for the parts that weren’t. Like this one:

Warning:  The following story is graphic, and if it were made into a movie, it would probably receive an R-rating.

What do you get when you cross a 10-year-old with too much soda, and way too many jalapeño potato chips?  Anyone?  The correct answer is vomit. Spicy vomit.

At 2:00am, I was minding my own business. I was almost done reading my book when I heard yelling coming from one of the bedrooms. That kind of yelling.  I went in just as FOML5 finished throwing up. He had been sharing a bed with his older sister, and realized he was about to lose it – so he turned the other direction, and did his best to avoid soaking his sister and the bed.  About 20% landed on the bedding. (Blankets, bedspread, sheets, etc.)  He managed to expel the other 80% off the side of the bed – I was quite impressed by his efforts.

Oh! Did I mention that the side of the bed was where the kids had stacked the decorative pillows, and my son kept his suitcase and backpack?  Did I mention that they were both wide open?

Yes. Everything he brought with him – his books, clothes, electronics, etc. – were now covered with spicy jalapeño vomit. Did I mention that jalapeño kettle-cooked potato chips kind of re-hydrate after a few hours?

FOML1 jumped into the fray and started cleaning, but the sounds of her gagging almost set me off. My EC was peacefully sleeping upstairs, because she had been fighting a post-reception stomach flu as well. One was enough, thank you.

I finished the last of the 5 loads of laundry (FIVE) at 3:45am.   I was going to use that time to blog about the experience, but I remembered that I had already written a vomit post in real time. (here)  I should point out, that I have been a parent now for over 24 years, and have dealt with plenty of vomit – but this was the worst I have ever experienced.

On the bright side, I did finish reading my book.

The point of this post was not to tell a vomit story, but, I am not back up to full power, and figure it might take another day to wax profound. I do have some good stuff planned for the near future. I promise! my energy will return.

But I sure could use a vacation…


About the author


  1. Those jalapeno kettle chips are my favorite! (as long as they are Tim’s.) I hope this experience didn’t ruin them for you.

  2. We just got back from 2 weeks of family trip, vomit included for all 5 children at different points.

    Family trip does NOT equal vacation…

  3. That is going to be an awesome story to tell for years to come. We just had a good one too. I just spent the last week at my parents house where me and all 9 of my siblings managed to converge for the first time in a while along with spouses and 13 grandchildren. Somewhere in the last week and a half all but 2 out of 28 people got a nasty stomach bug. It was really pretty spectacular. You wouldn’t want any more details than that.

  4. Aw, up-chucking horror stories, the great equalizer in parenting! My oldest son once ate an entire bottle of Flintstone vitamins without my knowing it. I found out in the produce section at my local Lucky’s when he projectile vomited over all the apples, oranges, lemons and limes. I got to walk away without cleaning a thing. Neener-Neener.

    (I offered to pay for the destroyed fruit, they declined, much to my relief.)

  5. One of my sons did that on a Thanksgiving vacation. It ruined my suitcase, dry cleaners wouldn’t touch it, luggage repair would not touch it. Into the trash went that suitcase. I tried surface scrubbing it, but to no avail.

    1. Here we see MMM getting back at Vatermann for the flux capacitor comment. I’m afraid to even think the word mayonnaise right now…

  6. Glad to have you back online. One time my daughter wiped out an entire row of stuffed animals on the floor beside her bed when she threw up. If a child was feeling queasy, we had a large plastic bowl to put beside the bed. We gave it the elegant name of “the puke bucket.”

  7. I read these posts and comments on my lunch hour. I’m throwing away my nearly untouched apple.

    But I’m glad you’re back to bloggerland. I’ve missed you.

  8. FIVE loads of laundry in less than two hours??!!! I am IMPRESSED. What kind of equipment do you use?

    Vaterman – We did not try to get the kid to the bathroom, we brought a large bowl or bucket to the kid. It was easier and less stressful.

    1. None of my half a dozen kids has ever told me before bed that they were feeling sick. I usually learn as they are puking at the foot of my bed. The bowl only works with advanced warning.

  9. MMM, when you mentioned your capacitor went bad, I was sure you meant your flux capacitor and than you were stuck in 1985. Although, in some ways, I guess you always have been. 🙂

    1. Late to the game, but I’ve been steadily catching up on MMM blog posts/comments while holding my newborn, and this is my favorite Vatermann comment so far.

  10. Man, I thought about commenting to say you should post again, but I didn’t want to interfere in your vacation. Now you don’t even feel appreciated.

    My parents taught me early on that if I can’t make it to the bathroom, I’d better use a blanket or towel. Even if it’s a blanket with a sister in it. (Okay, they didn’t include that addendum but I assume it was implied.)

    1. We have learned (through sad experience) to teach our kids to go straight to the bathroom and NOT to Mom’s side of the bed when they are feeling queasy…

    2. I’m still working on training that into them. The worst is picking up a kid and sprinting to the toilet while the kid spews down the hallway and walls.

  11. Two of my children got married in June. Six days apart. I am still recovering. Luckily there has been no vomit.

  12. This is a wonderful object lesson in natural consequences. Jalepeno pepper potato chips? Yikes! (I’m beginning to see why you’ve never invited me to dinner at your house…)

    Seriously, sorry about the vomit. No fun for anyone.

  13. Oh have mercy! Thank you for the reminder that there ARE things that are worse than potty training…unless it includes diarrhea.
    I am not sure WHY…WHY these vomiting episodes most often take place in the wee hours of the morning!
    What I take away from your post is that your FOML1 is really awesome to help clean that mess–great character and bravery.

  14. A vacation with children is not a vacation. It’s simply a change of scenery. Well, with my kids, what with their young-ness and all.

    Sorry about the puke. 🙁

  15. I totally thought the beginning of your post (about the capacitor) was going to be an analogy for the scriptures, or something like that. lol The post ended way more differently than I thought!
    My oldest threw up from the top bunk a few weeks ago and because of gravity and velocity from height the spatter was EVERYWHERE in that room. Thank heavens (literally) that their toys were all put away. I had to wash all of his bed things (including a couple of stuffed animals AND his brothers bed things, because a lot landed on the edge of the bottom bunk’s bed. *sigh* I hope that never happens again!
    Glad you’re back. You were missed!!!

  16. In my opinion it takes 1-3 weeks to prepare for a one week vacation (especially when it involves camping), and another 1-3 weeks to recover from it. It took several years of stressful vacations, but once my husband understood that vacations weren’t really vacations from work, but a change of scenery, our lives became much happier. This year we’re spending a week camping, and the day after we come home we’re sending two kids back to college and one on a mission. I think we’re crazy, but they wanted one last family vacation together! It will definitely provide some great memories, and I will pray that none of them involve vomit.

    1. That’s good advice, Becky. I’ll try to remember it when I’m wondering what’s so fun about vacationing with small children.

  17. Our favourite vacation vomit moment was when no2 son came into our bedroom to tell us he was feeling unwell and promptly vomited into the pedestal fan (which was turned on at the time). Yup. He achieved very good coverage. Nuff said.

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