About That Survey…

Screen Shot 2014-03-26 at 7.59.34 AMLast December, I posted a survey to learn a little more about how people felt about the blog and other topics that are crucial to life as we know it. I got a terrific response – well over 700 people filled out the entire survey. There was lots of feedback – good and bad, and it helped me get a better feel for who is reading, and why. I was surprised how many people responded, and I appreciate it.

Here we are, almost 4 months later, and I haven’t posted any of the data for you to look at.


So, here are a few snippets from the survey – just in case you were curious.

Average reader: 40 year-old woman, born in the church, very active in the church, likes the funny posts and the spiritual posts about equally, prefers mayo over Miracle Whip, and doesn’t want to know my real identity.

Now that is just the average person – there is a lot more going on, but if you had to pick who represents an average MMM reader, that person would be it. I would contend, however, that most of my readers are anything but average. From my experience, they are witty, intelligent, and wildly attractive.

Here are some snapshots, along with my commentary:

Let’s get this one out of the way. It helps restore my faith in humanity. Booyah!


There is more to the next one than meets the eye:


I’m not ready to classify myself as a Mormon Mommy Blog yet, but I have no problem acknowledging that the majority of my readership is of the fairer sex. But 85%? That said, I do know from different data that there are a lot more men reading than is represented by this survey.

Conclusion: Women are nicer than men about filling out surveys.


I was glad to see such balance in the ages. While there is a bit of a spike of middle-aged readers, (go figure!) there are a lot of older and younger as well. Not trending big in the teen scene.


Not sure what the “Other Option” means, but it is apparent that I am preaching to the choir – and it is a really, really good choir. I do know from other correspondence that there are a lot more than three regular readers that are not LDS.  (In retrospect, I should have put a disclaimer that I won’t send their information to the Missionary Department if they fill out the survey.)

As you should all know by now, I love converts! So this made me happy:


Regarding what people like to read, it was almost a draw between funny stuff, and spiritual posts. And I couldn’t be more pleased.

preferenceI believe that one of the reasons this blog is different that most LDS blogs is that very mix. I have always felt that I am walking a strange tightrope between spiritual and silly, and it is tricky to keep my balance. I am glad that it is appreciated.

– That is all for today, but I will put the rest up tomorrow.

As you might have noticed, the results of the survey didn’t really have any impact on the blog – which I think is the correct response. Had I made some kind of drastic changes to placate you guys, I would be sacrificing my artistic integrity. (I will admit, I laughed out loud while typing that sentence.)

Thanks again for filling out the survey, and letting me have a glimpse at who I am dealing with.

Tomorrow: Anonymity, advertising, and the sweet/snotty things people said.

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About the author


  1. Did Anyone else notice that all the graphs bear a strange resemblance to those pesky pop-tart guns???
    Just wondering
    Hmmmm! I know I took that survey…I didn’t throw the curve off at All…Sorry “guys”!

  2. well it looks like I’m one of those twelve youth who actually reads! This is the best blog ever!

    1. Then you will have to be my “Official Favorite Youth Reader.” (You need to do a better job spreading the joy.)

      1. I’m glad I earned the title. I’ll work on it! I tried to show you to a non member friend while we did a report on Mormon pioneers. She didn’t know which one mattered- hot wings or the Church.

  3. Thanks for sharing! I’m looking forward to reading the info for tomorrow!

    PS My husband is now trying to write you a theme song. (I accredit it to exhaustion.) 🙂

  4. My husband hates filling out written surveys and won’t do one by telephone ever! So I’m sure it’s probably a little skewed statistically on that. But I think that it can be explained by the natural attraction an LDS woman would have to a righteous Priesthood holder. I don’t mean that in a bad way (your wife shouldn’t worry!) but we appreciate it in the same way we appreciate good conference talks.

  5. Started reading regularly after your survey, but guessing at your questions I should be rated as:

    MMM, active (although my job keeps me at <50% Sac. attendance, I have all of the manuals on my tablet and "participate" in PH & SS lessons while at work), BIC, family/current/humour/doctrinal, and would never, ever put sugar on a ham sandwich.

    Funny thing is, I found this site when I was considering making a similar blog to fill my time at work (I have a lot of down time when I am on duty, EMS has multiple meanings). I don't imagine duplicating your effort would be nearly as good.

  6. Woah! This may be the first time in my life I’ve been exactly average. Thankfully, the average reader is also anything but average (whatever that means). Thanks for sharing this data, MMM. As a research junkie, I rank this post high.

    1. I will – but I’m trying to figure out which unflattering picture of you to put next to it.

  7. My EC reads your blog, but he is a FB lurker and won’t get his own account. Keep walking that tightrope, there are plenty of others that are walking it too!

  8. I am astonished at the accuracy of your assessment! I am indeed intelligent, witty, and wildly attractive. 😀 Also a 43 year old active LDS female. 🙂 I’m a convert though, not born in the church. I like that. It let me experience exactly what it’s like to live without the gospel and what a blessing and gift it is to have it.

    1. But I am still trying to figure out why I’m not listed on your “WAY Cool Blogs” list.

    2. But I am still trying to figure out why I’m not listed on your “WAY Cool Blogs” list.

  9. Artistic integrity aside, It’s a good thing you didn’t change stuff around. That silly/spiritual tightrope isn’t easy to navigate and you do a great job teetering there. Here’s hoping nothing knocks you off balance, You’re a fun and enlightening read.

  10. I’m pretty sure I filled out your survey but now I can’t remember. LOL, I think I’m telling my age.

  11. Sorry I missed that. But I am a woman, and that would have slanted the results further, so nix that. I’m not sorry I missed that.

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