A Million Thanks. Twice.

Thank you wings

Guess what happened yesterday? My little ole blog quietly passed the 2 million view mark. Crazy! Coincidentally, I logged my 1st million views exactly 1 year ago today. The first million took almost 2.5 years, the second million took exactly one year.

Now I know what you are thinking: “A million views ain’t no big thang, so quit yer braggin’.” It is true, and I humbly concede that in the grand scheme of internet things, this little blog is merely a blip.

What amazes me is that our little gang (that would be you and me) have stuck together and you all keep coming back for more. That makes me happy.

It is hard to understand how much 2 million really is, so I have created a couple of graphic to help make it easier to wrap your brain around.

First, here is the growth of the MMM blog, as depicted with buffalo wings:

Wiing chart.indd

See? That’s a big buffalo wing.

To help demonstrate how big of a number 2,000,000 is, I did some math.

The average wing segment is 3″.

3″ x 2,000,000= 6,000,000 inches of wings.

6,000,000 inches of wings = 95 miles.

95 miles is longer than the Great Salt Lake.

Great Salt Lake

That is one big chicken wing, and would require that the Great Salt Lake be filled with blue cheese. (Because Ranch is for pansies.)

Now that you have a much clearer perception of the monumental scale we are dealing with here, we can talk about the more important stuff.


Thank you for reading, commenting, and being a part of what makes this blog unique. I was writing when I had an audience of three, but this is much more fun. And interesting.

I know there are plenty of blogs that are labors of love that have very few readers, some of those bloggers work much harder than I do – I have heard that some even proof-read their work and look for typos. Imagine!

I am first to admit that I am greatly blessed, and still a bit surprised that my musings are as widely-read as they are.

Thanks for telling your family and friends. Thank you for sharing and linking to some of my posts. Thanks for tolerating me on the playground that we call Facebook.

I enjoy what I learn from your comments, and they are valuable to me. They help me see the world through eyes other than my own. They help strengthen me when I am taking a beating from those who disagree with my beliefs, or when I am wrestling with my own trials.

When I began blogging, my intent was to have a place to share my thoughts, and to get an occasional laugh out of my EC. Since then, a few more purposes have emerged:

1) This is a small way I can share the truth of the Lord’s gospel with the world. You might have noticed that we are at war…

There are so many purported Latter-day Saint blogs out there that are really just wolves in sheep’s clothing. I see them as very dangerous. I hope to counter that by creating an environment where everyone can know that I believe in the truthfulness of the Gospel, and that I wholeheartedly sustain our leaders. I hope I have earned your trust.

2) As I think about my posts, and as I write them, I learn more about the Gospel. Then, I try and figure out how to help others understand the doctrine more easily. When I get a note from someone that they gained insight, or felt that their life was blessed from what they read, that is the best reward.

If I can pry a laugh or two out of you, that is rewarding as well.

3) I have made “met” many wonderful people – virtual friends, if you will. I love knowing that there are lots of us out there that share similar struggles, joys, and testimonies. Someone referred to us recently as a kind of “Digital Ward.” I can live with that, as long as we don’t ever have to show up early to set up chairs.

As Sister Stevens so eloquently declared in the recent General Conference, “The gospel is not weight; it is wings.” (link)

So, raise your wings high, my MMM friends. Here’s to us!

MMM logo bacon



About the author


  1. I hope I can still be in the Digital Ward when I go to teach English at Qingdao University. I need to find a good VPN. I love your blog!

  2. AuntSue
    You are the only male blog I follow, while I do follow several MommyBlogs. I love your down to earth spiritual perspective. You let us see the real person who has raised a family, served in callings, made it through difficulties, with a stronger testimony intact. Thank you for sharing, and may next year bring 5 million to your fold.

  3. Well I would like to thank you for sharing. Your point of view has opened my eyes, and helped me to learn in larger ways. You don’t hear from me much, I’m the one in the ward who likes to just suck it in. Every once in a while when moved upon by the Spirit, I will respond in some way, or just ‘bear my testimony’ as a post for all to see. I know who I am, and I know from whence all my blessings and miracles flow, and will not deny that Heavenly Father loves me as His daughter, and His Son Jesus Christ atoned for my sins, etc. and loves me as Father does.

    Thank you for helping me to understand lesser things. Don’t stop you are amazing.

  4. “Because Ranch is for pansies..” LOL!!! Can’t wait for my 17 year old son who is a fan of your blog, to read this. He loves Ranch. I prefer the blue cheese. ; ) Congratulations on the milestone!

    1. Sorry to hear that about your son. It must be disappointing. Have faith – he is still young…

  5. Digital Ward? Can I have the calling of paper passer outer? I could probably do that and not screw it up or tick people off


  6. I am glad I stumbled across your blog a few months ago. I have loved your insight and am grateful for the strong testimony that you aren’t afraid to share. I have been wary on the past of reading some lds blogs because of the contentious nature of the commentators or the just plain weird ramblings of the blogger. Your posts are doctrinally sound, slightly funny, and always thought provoking. Thanks for sharing and congrats on the milestone!! And I love being part of the digital ward! I’m the one in the middle pew, taking it all up with my kids, and feeding them fishies to keep them quiet.

  7. Congratulations on reaching 2 million views! I do love your blog and always appreciate your point of view. You are an inspiration to me and I love to read your work.

  8. I will always be grateful that Ardis at Keepapitchinin showed the way to your blog 3 years ago. You have reaffirmed that spiritual and funny are ok and encouraged.

  9. Congratulations! That is a huge following with an equal responsibility to always keep the level of interest you have created. I thorouly look forward to your posts and ponder your latest message of inspiration. Thanks for bringing a laugh and sunshine to my sometimes dreary life

  10. This little blog of yours is an oasis to my spirit. Keep churning out the good stuff MMM!

  11. I’ve had a blog since 2007. I still have the same 14 people who comment. I’m just not funny enough. 🙂

  12. Wow. Now that’s bonafide.

    Way to go, MMM. You rock. Thank you for your efforts, your insights, and for the goodness of your life that shines through your writing.

  13. I see what you did there with the Sister Stevens quote. Congrats on the success of your blog.

  14. Congrats, MMM. Such a great accomplishment. I am happy I ran across you awhile back. You are my favorite blog and actually the only one that has ever caught my interest, so in my world, that is saying a lot.

    Thank you for your support of the true gospel of Jesus Christ and for never wavering in your beliefs and sustaining of the leaders. I value you that, especially in today’s world. We are at war and I get that.

    Blog on and keep the pictures coming – you do make me laugh and I have always loved to laugh.

  15. I hope the leaders in this “ward” you speak of don’t ever have to change positions. I would be lost without my virtual Sunday School teacher and the amazing class members. Wow.l..2 million! I cant even count that high. Way to write, MMM.

  16. NO, I think that we should be thanking you for what you write….and for what is right in what you write. 🙂 Plus, I agree with you on the Blue Cheese statement. Ranch is for pansies! Carry on with all the good that you do!

  17. A million views is a HUGE deal. TWO MILLION, well, that’s beyond words. Especially, to me who only averages about 10,000 a year. Whew! You go! Thanks for your humor in spirituality. You show we can have a sense of humor AND be spiritual.

  18. (standing O for MMM) I digitally set up the virtual chairs, so, we’re all good.

  19. As one who hopes to be considered a member of the “Digital Ward”, thank you for making me laugh, helping me see things through another’s eyes and pushing me to think of things in a new light. I have met some amazing people through your writings and for that I am grateful. Let’s hope that the next million views are as interesting as the last!

  20. Now I want to eat buffalo wings. Thanks for producing the quality of material that ensures the 2 Million + views! You rock!

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