Conference Thoughts: Priesthood Session


Elder Quentin L. Cook started things off the way Priesthood Conference usually goes: Powerful, direct counsel on what we brethren need to do to shape up. Elder Cook’s first target? Young men who aren’t dating, or who are procrastinating marriage until they are finished with school and finding a career. He said that such “Does not show faith, and is not compatible with the Gospel.”

He also counseled young men who are preparing to serve missions to step it up and take their preparation more seriously. (I have a 17 year-old, and was happy to see him nodding and taking notes.)

He talked a great deal about the ideas presented years ago by Elder Oaks in the talk “Good, Better, Best.” Elder Cook singled out sports and internet as two things that can be good, but have the potential to distort young men from what is best. I would have been squirming in my seat if my kids were involved in sports year-round.

“Many choices are not inherently evil, but if they absorb all of our time and keep us from the best choices, then they become insidious.”


Elder Craig C. Christensen spoke to the importance of everyone gaining their own testimony of Jesus Christ and the restored gospel  He said the process can be “one of the greatest and most joyful experiences in life.”

He referred to Alma 32 as the metaphor for gaining a testimony, or strengthening what we already have.


Bishop Dean Davies (2nd Counselor, Presiding Bishopric) opened by speaking about the Church’s response to typhoons in the Philippines. It is always interesting when a member of the Presiding Bishopric speaks to these things, because their office is in charge of distributing welfare and humanitarian, and emergency aid all over the world.

His direction the changed and became a second witness to Elder Holland’s talk from earlier today about caring for the needy and fast offerings. He quoted the beautiful passages from Isaiah as he taught the principles and the blessings around the house.

“”Faithfully caring for the poor and needy is a reflection of spiritual maturity.”


President Dieter F. Uchtdorf opened his remarks retelling the events before Christ’s betrayal when the apostles were asking “Is it I?” He taught that we should be looking at ourselves, rather than at others and employed the mote vs. beam analogy.

“Being able to see ourselves clearly is essential to our spiritual growth and well-being.”

(Is this a good place to mention that he had a little tuft of hair sticking out from the side of his head? I’ve never seen him less than perfectly coiffed. I’m thinking he did it on purpose to make the point of the dandelion story. Ask your husband…)


I have a confession to make: In all honesty, I kind of zoned out during President Eyring’s talk. It was about training the Aaronic Priesthood, and it seemed somehow…familiar. I came back home and did some checking, and I found that he had used many of the references and stories before – all the way back to 1988. Proud of my memory, but embarrassed by my attention span.

I did catch this great quote: “In priesthood preparation, ‘show me’ counts more than ‘tell me.'”



President Monson opened with the story of the sinking of the German battleship the Bizmark – from a damaged rudder. He used the rudder imagery to teach how we need to be resolute in our purpose to serve.

“A man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder, never likely to reach home port.”

He was gentle, but intent. There was no mistaking the concern and love he has for the brethren of the priesthood.


Have a great night!

I’m exhausted.

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  1. Also watched with hubby, one thing that stood out was the statement, “Fast offerings are there to sustain life, not lifeSTYLE.” So many want to sustain their lifestyles. But then, because of Pres. Uchtdorf’s talk I suppose I should be asking “Lord, is it I?” instead of looking at others.!!!!! Huh?

  2. 1I like the Priesthood session better than the Women’s Conference. Oh no! Now I’m going to get hit by lightning or something. I LOVEDLOVEDLOVED the missionary choir and that number with the Primary missionary songs was just incredible. I only wish I’d been in the room to hear them in person.

  3. My husband and his brothers thought the same thing about Pres. Uchtdorf’s hair. They also felt guilty noticing Pres. Uchtdorf’s hair when their own hair is never as perfect as his usually is.

    1. I think it was a subtle object lesson. It couldn’t possibly have been by accident.

  4. Great talks. For me, Elder Cook and Pres. Uchtdorf were the highlights, but they were all good.

  5. My husband and I have talked a lot about the sports problem! We have three boys under 3 and have decided that we’ll limit sports and activities that take away from FHE, family time, and summer vacations. We’re hoping that it will make it easier to say no by deciding now! We’ve been counseled to make our families our priority and driving from game to game does not count! It’ll be interesting to see if people can tone it down or not. And just so you know-I totally put down the oreo cookie after the pm session!

  6. My 2¢ . . . I don’t have to ask my husband, (It is now broadcast and I watched the whole thing) but I will anyway, I enjoy the conversation. I loved the sea of black and white though. Very inspiring. I wonder how long it will be until our men no longer feel it necessary to dress in suits and ties and go to the stake center to listen together since it is now on TV? Loved Oaks and Uchtdorf, like you I just read Eyring’s bio and (It just occurred to me, is it disrespectful to just use last names? Hummm. . . insert ‘Elder’ up there) also recognized many of the stories. My favorite was Cook, since he was in my old stake presidency, I’m a bit biased, but he was wonderful. Great meeting and I loved the ‘extra’ we now get by being included.

    Thanks for your recaps, lots of fun. (Didn’t notice the tuft, sorry)

  7. Thanks for the insights. Knowing what a sleuth you are, may I ask if you could find the Peanuts Comic strip mentioned tonight? I have looked for it for 1/2 an hour!

Add your 2¢. (Be nice.)