Tired, and with Rusty Fingers, but Back

Scout Camp

Sometimes real life takes over. This past week I was rarely on Social Media, and hardly even looked at my blog.  You might not have noticed my absence, but I did – occasionally. The reason for going AWOL was that I had the privilege of being assigned Camp Director for out Ward Scout Camp – 18 of the finest young men you will ever meet anywhere.

We headed to the mountains and had a great week. Although I did have internet access, I was usually only on it to put out fires from work. Real life supplanted the digital life.

One of the great joys of this camp, for me, is that my own son (FOML5) is currently serving as Senior Patrol leader. I was able to work with him teach him, and then get out of the way and watch him lead his scouts. I admire that kid, and it was good for both of us to experience this other world together. Teaching Scouting and Priesthood leadership in that circumstance is wonderful.

I also got to serve with some of my favorite men on the planet. There are a few guys in my life and in my ward who always end up serving together – whatever the cause, whatever is asked. They know who they are. They are a tremendous blessing in my life.

It was a terrific week, filled with good food, growth, sweat, frolic and work. And some merit badges, too.

With that said, I probably need to do a little housekeeping:

1) No, I am not dead.

2) BonaFide Father’s Day Boxes sold out quickly, and will be shipped in plenty of time for Father’ Day. And they are cool.

3) International Hug a Convert Day will begin this afternoon, and continue for the next few days. Thanks to those who submitted their wonderful stories.  If any of you are still on the fence, get a move on, and I will still try and fit you in.

4) Being away, I missed Elder Perry’s funeral. I intend to watch it. Here is the link to the funeral broadcast.

5) I invented a new take on Capture the Flag, that proved very exciting. If any of you are interested, message me and I’ll let you in on it,


In hand-to-hand combat, real life defeats digital life every time. HOWEVER, digital life has a unique value when we use it to strengthen and help each other. I prefer to have both.

Have a good Sabbath. Check in later for IHACD.



About the author


  1. It’s good to be unplugged sometimes. Camping always demands a lot of time, work, preparation and energy, but it’s always great to be with these young souls. I’d like to hear about your new take on “Capture the Flag”, please.

  2. Glad to hear that camp went well. At some point I’d love to hear what you ended up doing for your ‘standards theme’ (re: blog/brainstorm post in Feb). Looking forward to IHACD!

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