I’ve Been Busy Being Judgmental

Trapdoor 2

I’m exhausted. I just spent the last few days judging people. It happens. Every now and again I get out the gavel and go to town. Now don’t get all judgmental back at me – it is part of my job! No, I am not a Judge, or Justice of the Peace. (Scary thought)  I am just a lowly business owner who occasionally has to hire people.

I don’t go through this process very often – the last time I had to interview someone for a position was well over two years ago. The joy of small turnover.

Last week I posted the “help wanted” ad on a couple of sites and the resumes started rolling in. That is the first line of judgment. If they don’t send a resume as instructed, or have a resume full of errors, they are immediately judged and deleted.

After the first wave, I go through the remaining resumes and pick out my favorites. Then, it is off to the grand internet. Yep. I Google therm and stalk their Social Media accounts. It is amazing what you can learn about a prospective employee.

For example:

One applicant was very active on Facebook. I would never hold that against someone, because so many brilliant people are my friends on Facebook. This applicant mentioned on his resume that he is skilled at writing. It is true. The first comment of his that I read on his wall contained SEVEN profanities, including two F-bombs. In one paragraph! That takes a special kind of skill.

– Judged and deleted. Don’t need that in my office.

Next up, an applicant that mentioned how much she enjoys travel. It must have been true, because she did mention on Facebook how much she enjoyed ditching work and going to Disneyland with friends last month.  But don’t worry -she made it clear that she hated her job and didn’t care if she got fired. I appreciate her potentially saving me a step in that process.

-Judged and deleted.

Next came a woman who was house shopping in California because she was looking to move there ASAP. Unfortunately for her, I don’t have an office there.

-Click. Empty trash.

Thankfully, I found what I needed, the judging is over, and I hope the process is behind me for another few years.

  • Note to people looking for jobs:  Clean up your Social Media. You will thank me later.


Afterthought: One of my favorite resumes I ever received had an applicant that claimed the ability to handle all tasks with “profound finesse.”  I loved that line.

Sadly, her interpretation of “profound finesse” was different than mine – her resume was so riddled with typos that I didn’t even interview her, as this job is dependent on accuracy. (I thought you faithful readers might appreciate the irony.)

About the author


  1. Amen! I have said to several teens (and adults) that I know to be so much more mindful of what they post on social media. The ones who need to hear it most heed it the least.

  2. I judge the EXACT same way. If I read something riddled with errors I make many assumptions. A few mistakes here and there I can dismiss as faulty autocorrect (although, that wouldn’t/shouldn’t apply to a formal resume), but tons of typos, I start judging.

    The Lord decided to knock me down several pegs and sent us the smartest kid EVER…with dyslexia AND dysgraphia among a couple other things. Dysgraphia being the real giant to conquer. My heart shatters that he’ll be so wrongly judged his whole life. Fortunately, he also came with an extra helping of tenacity and desire to improve. His brain is like a calculator and he can build actual useful stuff out of junk, but the writing is just painful; even after monumental efforts on all our parts. He continues to make little improvements, and we pray the resources he’s learning to seek out to help with editing, etc will be enough to keep him out of the trash can.

  3. About 12 years ago I was job hunting and sending out my resume… and realized after sending it out several times that I had a typo. Instead of “qualifications” it read “qualiFICTIONs”. Yeah, I didn’t hear back from any of those people.

  4. The masses just don’t realize, or process, how their “personal” communication can demolish their perceived opinion of themselves, as well as the impression that others take away from their spoken and written words.

  5. Profound irony! Hey, you could always hire me as an editor. You know I can write well and I’m the real me on FB and in person. Just putting it out there if you ever decide you want someone to proofread your book or a post or some talk for general conference. Just saying’.

    1. Very kind. However, proofreading a post would presume that I write them with any kind of lead time. But I do appreciate the offer. I do have a daughter who is an editor, and she is willing and waiting to edit a book, if I wasn’t so lazy.

  6. OMGosh. My prayers are with you. I work at a local high school and am constantly amazed at the lack of manners and consideration for anything or anyone. AND it is getting worse each year. It HAS to be exhausting to find someone who is normal, or who wants to work. The gap is getting larger between good workers and the masses who don’t. Good luck!

    1. I texted my EC (Jr High Librarian) yesterday during my (part time substitute teacher) prep period. the text?….”trying to decide if I want to keep subbing when we move” we moved out of Utah because ….well,…. the kids we taught were great. there were at least 3 that wanted to learn for every student that had “better things to do than be in school.” I used to think that I wanted to teach high school….then I did. Jr high was much better. The kids were young enough that they still wanted to please the teacher, and not yet old enough to realize they didn’t have to. Grade school?….I’d rather teach a bunch of battle proven veteran pilots a six hour entry level aerodynamics course.
      Less than a year ago we purchased a home where we now live….and recently started looking for a job and a home in another state.
      How does all of this relate? I love the internet and reading blogs (although I spend way too much time commenting) but by the same token, social media and the instantaneousness of the internet has contributed to creating a generation where many, not all, think that you can still be successful being as dumb as a box of rocks, so long as you “look good” on your profile.
      I love the Snickers “Dimpatient” commercial on TV lately…..ironic that so many kids don’t see their generation being mocked by it.

  7. Google me…. Well none of my friends here, except MMM knows my given name…. But even if you did, you would find a resume site and my mothers obituary. You would really have to dig deeply into the past to find me mentioned otherwise. But there is an Antarctic marine biologist and U of U medical center pharmacist with the same name… So somebody cyber stalking me would possibly get a good impression.
    I do wonder though…. If you do not have a social media page in the future…. Will you actually exist, will you be able to conduct business or trade? Not saying it is true because every good thing can be used for evil…. I am just recalling something I read in Revelation.

  8. Me too. It’s amazing how many people don’t follow instructions or proofread their resume, especially when it’s an office job. My first line of defense/judgment too. And letting it all hang out on social media has consequences, like we keep telling our teens.

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