Overrated Movies – Touching the 3rd Rail

The Princess Bride

This morning was a relief. I had to take FOML5 to school early. It was still dark outside when we got into my truck. I slid the key into the ignition and turned to my son. Looking him in the eye I said,

“I love you son. And I’m sorry.”

I turned the key.

No explosion.

The truck roared to life, and I backed out of the driveway with a confused son by my side. Grateful to be alive.

You see, yesterday I dared do something that people just shouldn’t do if they value their lives: I typed the words “Overrated” and “Princess Bride” in the same sentence. On Facebook. I feel lucky that I lived to tell the tale.

You see, Princess Bride fans are very loyal and very vocal. And a lot of them struggle with reading. (JUST KIDDING!)  Yesterday I made the case that the movie was overrated, but many of the responses argued that the movie was great. Two different things.

So, since I’m feeling lucky today, I will attempt to show some movies that I believe to be overrated. This is based on my opinion and my opinion alone. Please remember what my Grampa used to say, “If everyone liked the same things as me, everybody would be after your Gramma.”

Some basics on the metrics: ‘Overrated’ does not mean “bad.” On the contrary. Some overrated movies are very good. Some really bad movies are not overrated at all. For example, I don’t hear anyone screaming that “Dragonball: Evolution” is the greatest movie ever made. I do know that when someone claims a movie to be the “Greatest movie everrrr,” or “Best Movie Ever Made, ” it immediately is eligible to be on the list.

I based my choices on the following:

  • Box Office
  • Critical Response (Tomatometer)
  • Academy Awards
  • Impact on Pop Culture
  • My opinion and perception

Here are a few choices from a variety of eras. They are not ranked, and this is not a comprehensive list. I also acknowledge that good popcorn, a large soda, and a hot date can skew my viewpoint drastically.

PB 2

The Princess Bride (1987)

Yes, I’m doubling down. Princess Bride is a really good movie. It is cute, funny and clean, which I appreciate. As far as the metrics are concerned, it falls in the middle. It made about $30 million, which was OK for ’87. The critics likes it (97% Tomatometer). It earned no awards, but it was in the Pop Culture where it made its mark later.

It is one of the most quotable movies out there. In many LDS circles, the Princess Bride is quoted far more often then the New Testament. Hardly a day goes by where I don’t see some version of the “You keep using that word” trope – which I found funny the first 4,000 times. (Which helps make my case that the iconic stature has grown beyond he actual stature of the movie itself.)

Again, it is a really good movie. I like it. Please don’t hurt me.

Mad Max

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Yes, this movie was nominated for Best Picture – didn’t win, but won 6 other Academy Awards. Seriously? ’nuff said? A bit later my EC and I watched an edited version. I guess the stuff they edited out was AMAZING because the movie I watched certainly wasn’t a Best Picture candidate or worthy of a 97% Tomatometer. It didn’t even make enough $$$ in the US to pay for making it.


Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane (1941)

I watched this as a kid and fell asleep, so I was excited to give it another shot in my film class at BYU. Meh. To this day I don’t quite understand why Citizen Kane sits atop the lists of many critics as the ‘Greatest Movie Ever Made.’ (Much to the chagrin of Princess Bride fans.)

Yes, it was interesting, and yes, it advanced the art of film. It also lost money at the box office and won only one of the nine Oscars it was nominated for.. And it was…unsatisfying.


Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

Larry is another movie on the list of Greatest of All-time.  To me, it is one of the Greatest SnoozeFests of All-time.

But… it won 7 out of 10 Oscars, including Best Picture, and has a 97% Tomatometer. And it was over 3 hours long. Painfully long.  I will give it props for some remarkable cinematography, but as for the praise and Oscars, I still don’t get it.


Avatar (2009)

Until 3 weeks ago, Avatar was the top grossing film in the USA – knocked off by Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But worldwide it still #1, bringing in almost 3 BILLION dollars. Wrap your head around that! Titanic is #2, behind by $600 million.

Sure, the special effects were cool and new. The technology used was really remarkable. Critics gave it an 83%. I liked it, but felt it was a bit heavy-handed in the propaganda department. If you loved it, you are in luck – they are making at least 3 more.


Warrior (2011)

Critics liked it (83%). The public didn’t – it lost money. No awards. Yet some people I know love this movie so much they are protective of it at Princess Bride levels.

Me? I thought it was OK. Some people see it as a story about unconditional love. I see it was a dysfunctional family who doesn’t know how to love, so they show it by becoming alcoholics and beating the ever-lovin crap out of each other. I left the theater feeling sad a kinda misled. I guess if I appreciated a shirtless Tom Hardy more, I would have felt differently.


These are just a handful of movies I chose to make the point that picking overrated movies is entirely subjective. The words “iconic” and “classic” are thrown around far too often. The term “Instant-Classic” should be stricken from our lexicon.

I hope from my short list you can see the difference: That an overrated movie does not mean it is a bad movie, and that there are some really excellent films that are vastly UNDERrated – but that is for another time.

Chime in. Feel free to tell me where I’m wrong, or, better yet, share what movies you thing get more attention, respect or money than you think they deserve.

All opinions are welcome. Be nice to each other.





About the author


  1. I’m late to this party, but I want to know how there can be a Best Movie Ever without Cary Grant in it? And Charade, with Cary Grant AND Audrey Hepburn? Every time I watch it, I am grateful to be living in the days of the DVD. Such a fun scary exciting movie! And with Paris as the backdrop!
    2nd choice would be To Catch a Thief, with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly (and Alfred Hitchcock).

    I remember the music and cinematography of Lawrence of Arabia, too, although I was very young when it came out. I should see it again.

  2. I”m not up on a lot of the movies, but what made PB and Napoleon fun was watching it with the kids. As far as Oscars go, I haven’t been impressed with their winners much in these past years. It seems just another way for Hollywood to show their PC-ness. It’s a popularity contest. I’ve watched too many of the winners and come out saying ‘Huh?’

  3. Well, I’m not with you on Princess Bride. I love it and the joy it brings to my life every time I see it. Overrated – how about Casablanca. Every time I see it, I wonder why I decided to try it again.

  4. I absolutely agree to those who mentioned Napoleon Dynamite…my husband and I saw it months after it came out and we had heard from everyone how hilarious it was and how much we would LOVE it. Could not even finish it…but maybe we could have if we hadn’t expected so much from it. Yuck.

    I do love The Princess Bride…both book and movie…but the movie probably is overrated.
    Haven’t seen any of the other movies on your list except Avatar which I liked.

    Another movie that I have always thought was overrated was Forest Gump.

    1. I thought Napoleon Dynamite was the most boring movie ever, until the last 30 minutes of it, and then it was hysterical, and sweet.

  5. Another totally overrated film is “Breakfast at Tiffanys” with Audrey Hepburn. Supposedly it is the quintessential single girl film. Oh my gosh! It was terribly immoral and depressing. Total waste of my time and I kept wondering what makes this so great? Thanks for sharing your perspectives.

  6. Wait Until Dark is definitely not black and white, it is in color and is at the top of my list for scariest movie of all time! The fridge light is important but not on until the very last scary scene.

  7. The Graduate overrated in my book. Both my parents talked about it while I was growing up. Ran across it as a young adult and thought, “Hey, this is that movie mom and dad always talked about.” Slow storyline, still wondering what the point was, and the dancing…um…Yikes. I’m with ya on PB. Cute, but hokey. Haven’t seen any of the others. Best, most terrifying, movie is Wait Until Dark (I think? old black and white with the fridge light on). It might seem so great because I watched it while home alone at age 13, though.

  8. Because I have seen The Princess Bride too many times, I finished your sentence “the book is actually quite lovely”. I’m a totally dweeb.
    But seriously, I really like the book. It is the same author as the screenplay. It gives tons of background on the characters which makes certain things in the movie make more sense. Some complain about it being more long winded and slow. But I liked it.

  9. I didn’t even realize Mad Max won Best Picture. What a joke. Pretty sure I saw the full version and it wasn’t very impressive. Sophie’s Choice was nominated…hated that show. Meryl deserved the best actress (as she always does), but that doesn’t mean the show was good. House of Sand and Fog was the most depressing movie I’ve ever seen. Not sure if it was up for Best Picture. The acting was great (Ben Kingsley can do no wrong), but the plot and the ending were horribly depressing. I wish The King’s Speech hadn’t been rated R. Best show I’ve seen in a long time. Fond memories of Princess Bride. Probably overrated in the Mormon community…though I think that’s the only place Napoleon Dynamite got its due. We Mormons love it 🙂 I was so grateful that it was popular when my 6′ tall 6th grade son needed a Halloween costume.

  10. I had never heard of the movie Princess Bride until I joined the church as a teenager…
    The missionaries introduced it as “the greatest movie” and that I should watch it. So, we had progressed from “The First Vision” and “Man’s search for happiness” pre-baptism to the new-member list of movies. I soon discovered that this movie held a special place in the hearts and minds of my LDS contemporaries, while my non-LDS contemporaries were largely ignorant of its existence. PB does have some excellent one-liners and some great comedy, but my favourite characters are not the PB and her man.

  11. FYI, Mad Max: Fury Road won 6 Oscars, but was only nominated for Best Picture.

    I saw Princess Bride as a teenager when it came out in the theater, by accident, when some forgotten comedy we wanted to see was sold out. The audience reaction was what gave me an enduring soft spot for this movie. Totally unprompted, we all began to cheer for the heroes and boo the villains. This was around the second weekend it was released, long before the cult following.

    I liked Avatar but honestly don’t consider it high on my re-watch list. The old movies that you listed I feel like were a “must-watch” once for pop culture’s sake, but not even the best of their genres or eras.

    I think each generation has their overrated movies (and stars), depending on what your first experience was with the film. My kids worship films I can’t even sit all the way through.

  12. If you thought your list caused ire, mine would make people hunt me down.

    I’d say the most overrated movie of all time is The Force Awakens. It was fine, but the story was old, the jokes were canned, and the characters were ‘MOTS’. Throw on a few more like ‘Titanic, Matrix and Napoleon Dynamite (couldn’t even finish watching that after two tries and extreme boredom) and you’ve got a perfect recipe for “How to get at least 100 death threats/day”. Princess Bride, however, wasn’t overrated until memes came onto the scene…

  13. I agree with Cav Pilot about entertainment; which is how so many become soooo quoteable! One movie would add to this list that fear retribution on is Gone with the Wind. Beautiful costumes/scenery, but ‘tomorrow is another day’?!??? From a woman with serious narcissism? Gonna rebuilt the south? I was so disappointed the first time I watch it. Then I tried to read the book and got more depressed. Seriously overhyped for me.

    1. LeahM…..I love seeing your name on here, even the last initial. My first thought is always….”mom is posting something!”….then I remember that our conversations have only flowed one way across the veil for a few years now. I keep getting something in my eye. But i still appreciate it

  14. So, I think the movie “La La Land” is overrated. I was so excited to see it, and maybe that’s where my problem is — I hyped it up for myself way too much. So a couple of weeks ago my fiance agreed to go with me to see it, even though it’s not his cup of tea at ALL. It was definitely good, but I’m not sure it’s as great as all the critics keep saying it is. And it has a ridiculous number of Oscar nominations as well. I don’t know. I guess it just wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be.

  15. Agree with you on 3 of them, havent seen Warrior, but I love Princess Bride. Probably not an Oscar worthy film, but fun to watch, every time. An underrated film for your consideration is Joe vs the Volcano. Again, not oscar worthy or anything, and a little hokey. But, some great little messages in there if you look for them, and very entertaining.

  16. We have a saying at our house similar to your grandfather’s: If we all agreed, one of us wouldn’t be needed. (Of course the one not needed would be the one who didn’t agree with me,haha) Which, totally off topic, brings me to another of our favorite sayings: The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but it is usually the first one replaced.
    Thanks for your thoughts & hope you have a great day.

  17. It is all about entertainment. There are a lot of movies that I find joyfully entertaining…..most of them the critics hate. My kids got me the latest version of Saturday’s Warrior for Christmas….not for its cinematic excellence, definitely not for its doctrinal accuracy, but simply because I enjoy it’s cheesy depiction of 70’s life, and the catchy music.
    when it comes to movies…I want to be entertained if I am going to spend money like that. A little amazement is good (think Star Wars: A New Hope, in 1977) I also want some kind of edification, even if it is just…something good comes out of this or reaffirmation of human compassion (with lazers, rockets or dragons added for good measure)….but my EC wants to cry though “A Dog’s Purpose” tonight. I hate it when things float into your eyes in theaters.

  18. I have seen Citizen Kane at two different times in my life-time span. I still don’t understand yet the popularity of it. Not gonna try for a third time.

  19. I’m on pain meds for a bad back so now might not be the best time to comment but I like to live on the edge. Anyway, you’re a total philistine on “The Princess Bride” thing but I agreed with you on most of the other movies, especially “Lawrence of Arabia”. OMGadzooks was that the longest, most boring movie, or what? I mean, Peter O’Toole was super hot and all but that doesn’t mean I want to watch him for a bazillion hours. (Ooo, and Omar Shariff was in it too and he was really tasty as well. In an exotic sort of way.)

    Know what movie I never liked? “Unforgiven”. I totally hated that movie but the rest of my family loved it. And then it won Best Picture and I never heard the end of it.

    Next post should be about overrated books. Can anyone say “The Time Traveler’s Wife”?

    1. Sorry about your back. I’m sure that when you call me a “philistine” it is the opiates talking.

      1. I call my husband “philistine” on a regular basis and he’s one of my favorite people.

    2. I seriously hated Unforgiven. So awful, Dr. Zhivago was pretty cool, speaking of Omar Shariff.

  20. I didn’t even remember what Warrior was about. I only remembered the shirtless Tom Hardy. Did people watch it for other reasons?

  21. I think there are a whole lot of underrated movies out there: Tower Heist, Cheaper by the Dozen 1 & 2, Strangers on a Train, Aquamarine, Titanic (1953), Blended (one of Adam Sandler’s best movies with some genius comedy for once). This is just a list off the top of my head, but I know there are a lot more.

  22. I remember watching Citizen Kane too and thinking “why all the fuss?” And I did really enjoy Warrior – the first six times. I’m kinda over it now! A few more overrated ones I would add to it would be “Napolean Dynamite”, “O Brother Where art Thou”, “Titanic”, and “Saving Private Ryan”.

  23. Lawrence of Arabia had great music but I wouldn’t watch it again. I agree on the Princess Bride, a wonderfully funny, quirky film–I own a copy–but I’m only a partial fanatic. As for the rest, I’ve never even seen them once but then I’m an omw (old Mormon woman).

  24. Agree 100% until Warrior. And you know how I feel about Warrior. IMHO it is seriously underrated for the STORYLINE alone (I saw much more in there than you did), but throw in Tom Hardy beefed up and shirtless? Well….I don’t need to say anymore.

    I was seriously surprised at the defense of PB! Wow! Kids gotta remember the difference between overrated and a good movie. They can be both. The rest of your list? Spot on. I would add Out of Africa (as someone mentioned on FB yesterday) I couldn’t even get through the first 1/4 of the movie and yet so many awards? Oh, and I would throw Avatar right at the top.

    1. Would you believe me if I told you that I put Warrior on the list just to see how you would react?

      1. Yes. Yes I would believe that. Especially since some of your wording seems oddly familiar. Oh again, I love/hate you.

  25. All legit opinions. Because they are that, opinions. No biggie. But people who like Princess Bride struggle with reading? That feels unnecessarily mean-spirited. Differing opinions shouldn’t mean my literary capacities are in question.

    1. C’mon – you are a writer. Nothing mean-spirited about it. I went to great pains to explain that a movie can be good and still be overrated, but was still besieged by comments that the movie was good. How else would you explain it other than they didn’t read the thread?

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