Farewell, Scouting

My Scoutmaster’s name was Harry Phillips. He let us call him Harry, which, to a 12 year old kid in the early ’70’s, was pretty informal. The man had his house toilet papered at least a zillion times, but it was affectionate T.P.ing, not angry T.P.ing.

I remember when he leaned over the rail of a ski-boat at Flaming Gorge and we watched as the keys to his station wagon sank to the bottom of the lake. Six hours later, his sweet wife and kids showed up with a spare set.

Just last week I was telling someone stories about Harry.  I can safely say that in my early teen years, he was one of the most important figures in my life. My Scoutmaster.

As you can see, the announcement that the Church is separating itself from Scouting has me waxing nostalgic. This has surprised me a little, because for about a decade I have been hoping for this day. Apparently I am not alone.

What I also din not anticipate is the level of vitriol and invective that so many seem to have about it. I know that everyone has their reasons for liking and not liking the program, but I feel a bit conflicted to be dancing on the casket with such glee. Especially when the casket is empty for another 18 months.

Personally, I loved what Scouting stood for (past tense). Less enthusiastic over what it has become. I loved the camping, the hiking the cooking, the unadulterated fun. “Capture the Flag” was a crucial rite of passage.

The parts I did not appreciate always seemed to be about the National Organization and money. Every time I spent hundreds of dollars on over-priced merit badges, or crazy expensive Scout clothing, or dropped $300+ per boy to go to an official Scout camp, I couldn’t help feeling that I was being scammed. There was a huge sucking sound of LDS money flowing to Scout Headquarters, yet it was a one-way flow. The CEO made a million or two, but other than travel insurance, I’m not sure if anyone at the local level would even notice if they shuttered the National Org.

But now, as the fate of the Church and Scouting has been defined, I am feeling a bit of melancholy. I raised four sons, all of them active participants. I served as both Scoutmaster and Scout Committee Chair. My EC served as Cub Chair and Den Mother. One of my favorite callings that I had: Cubmaster.

I lost count at how many Pinewood Derbies I helped create, how many merit badge classes and interviews I conducted. I had the opportunity to plan and execute several week-long Scout Camps. So. Much. Work. But so worth it. Scouting helped raise me, and has helped me raise my boys, and helped me raise other people’s boys.

I fear that the 100+ year legacy of Scouting is being tossed overboard a little too easily. After all, it is a the program that the Lord’s prophets have endorsed and supported up until now. Personally, I have felt that conflict as I have wondered why the break-up didn’t occur sooner. I have also learned that you can have questions and even doubts, yet still fulfill callings and give full support. Those who do not “like” Scouting are not apostate. We don’t have to like a job to do a good job.

My favorite part of the transition is that the Church is taking the activity arm of the Priesthood and bringing it back home. I don’t what it will look like, but I expect there to still be callings, activities and much the same as it is now. “Capture the Flag” is not owned by the BSA.

I also want to be careful about jumping to conclusions. I see wives of Scoutmasters rejoicing because the don’t want their husbands off camping every month. I HOPE the campouts continue! I HOPE the Church implements a new program that still contains outdoor experiences and the learning of new skills. Scouting has never been all “playtime,” as some make it sound. For every fun activity, there was drudgery in book learning about myriad topics. That was one of the beauties of the program: There was a tremendous balance and variety of things to do.

I will be glad that 80% of the YM budget will no longer be diverted to merit badges and awards. I will be happy to hear less arguments about how “imbalanced” the funding is between YM and YW, and how “unfair” the programs are. (Maybe now more people will realize that the reason YW don’t do the fun outdoor-type stuff is not because they are not in Scouting, but because their leaders or parents don’t organize it. You wanna go shoot stuff? Go shoot stuff. It has always been there, if we want to do it.)

But beyond the activities, one of the important components in Scouting is creating an interaction between men and boys that help those boys grow up to be good me.Some of the finest men I know are knee-deep in the Scouting world. They should be honored and respected for their commitment to raising our boys. I am sure many of them are feeling the loss, and it is not cool to rub salt in their wounds.

There will be a new program. Hopefully it will be demanding, as is Scouting. I don’t know what that program looks like, but it will take some years to establish itself. Transitions can be tough. Fortunately, the Church has been moving in that direction, and I’m sure whatever is released will be inspired and well thought-out. My guess is that it will be applied based on local resources and needs. “One size fits all”is not very practical in a world-wide church.

My nostalgia is running deep. I loved working in Scouts as an adult. I love the fact that one of my sons is currently serving as a Scoutmaster. I loved working with my wife in the Cub Scout program, and I cherish the bonds I forged with men in the Scouting program.

I could not even begin to list the things I learned through Scouting. Not only am I a heck of a camp cook, but I have a deeper appreciation for my Nation, the flag, and important character concepts because of Scouting.

A Scout is:

Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.

Who doesn’t want that for their sons? (For the record, I typed the Scout Law without looking it up – it is that deeply ingrained in my being.)

As we bow out from the Scouting organization over the next 18 months, may we bow out gracefully. We owe much to Scouting. Personally, I believe that much of what I am today is because of Scouting, and I’m sure I am not alone in that sentiment..

I am glad to say goodbye, but I will remember it fondly.

About the author


  1. Thank you for all the messages you give. This one really hit home. I was a Cubmaster for 16 years. District Cubmaster/Cubmaster Trainer (39 Packs) for 14 years; I put my heart and soul into my calling. Had three sons go through, get their Arrow of Light, then on to Eagle. All three married and have served in various scouting positions in their new wards. The thought of shutting down the program is like losing a piece of my heart. But I did see it coming. I also have mixed feelings. Kind of like watching a terminally ill loved one pass away and being thankful they are no longer in pain. But I do have all the memories (and pictures).

  2. Long time reader here, but I never comment. I feel like I have to today. Having raised 6 sons, I was a Scouting mom. I served many years in Cubs and on the Scout committee. Most of our boys are Eagle Scouts. My husband and I just returned from serving a mission in Cambodia, and as we helped with the local branches, we often chuckled at the thought of Scouting in that beautiful country. Just trying to get a Sabbath day YM or YW program running somewhat successfully was hard work and ever challenging, much less week night activities. In a world wide Church, the BSA Scout program would never work. How grateful I am that our leaders are working to create programs that have the same goals world wide, but can work for different areas/circumstances/leadership/local government, etc. Most of the world wide Church could never financially handle a program like Scouts, nor would it be feasible to ask leaders to sacrifice for overnighters and such when they are working very hard each day to just put rice in their pots. When someone knows that rice rats are tastier than sewer rats, they are not going to be spending effort on merit badges when they could help feed their families….and that goes for YM as well. All family members contribute to getting food on the table. Just a different perspective…..

  3. THANK YOU for your article! I’m Janet Phillips Christensen, Harry’s oldest – that little red-headed daughter of his that ran around a lot, I’m sure, during many of your scout activities 🙂 HOW FUN to read about your memories of my dad! It made me smile today AND I’m thankful for my friend for passing this along. I can’t thank you enough for sharing what you have in this article. If my father were still living, you would’ve received THE funniest, warmest and most loving response to this article from him. Maybe he’s smiling from above, and who know… from where he now stands, perhaps he has inspired others in your life to TP your place or have a little fun with you over the years too. I think my dad would be REALLY appreciative of what you’ve shared today. THANK YOU

    1. Maybe the best comment I have had in a long time. Thank you Janet, for reaching out So glad you were able to read my post. I loved your dad. We all did. Mostly because we knew he loved us. That and the “Playboy Hat.”

  4. I am a current scoutmaster and have enjoyed the calling. What I have experienced in the last three years has been positive. But I have noticed a general lack of parental support when it comes to asking for a time commitment for dads and parents, etc. Kind of a “it’s your turn, i already served in scouting so go raise my child” mentality. It can be frustrating. While I will feel sad when the time comes, there are times in the last 24 hours in which the phrase “the end can’t come soon enough” has wntered my mind.

    1. In all honestly, I don’t see how changing programs will change that mindset. HOPEFULLY there will still be campouts and activities that require parents to step up.

  5. My role in Scouting has been administrative for several years, starting when I served in a stake YM presidency (2nd time around). I was glad to help support Scouting because I knew the value of a giod Scouting orogram and as that was what our leaders wanted. Long ago I served as a Cub Scout leader. I will continue to sustain our prophet and others in whatever YM program comes through. Whatever that may be, it is is not well organized with planning and good leaders we will still have a sad youth program.

  6. It will be very interesting to watch what BSA becomes without the touchstone to morality that the Church has been over the past decade or so. Probably somewhat before then as well, but as the world has increased its distance from gospel principles, Scouting has been pulled hard in that direction as well. I love the principles, oath, Law, character traits and results that scouting has provided in my life. I am also excited to watch and hopefully be part of the changes, which will produce similar results, in a new program.

  7. Some observations:
    There is a disparity between ym and us activities. The handbook makes it so. Ym were linked with scouts that naturally afforded more outdoor adventures. As much as some of us YW leaders WANTED to so many of the same things, the handbook is clear on us activities and their purpose. We always made camp the funnest but weekly activities were by design, not intended to be that way. Not to mention, the ym always had a bigger budget due to ties with the BSA, we in YW, no matter how much we could justify a “priesthood purpose”, we simply didn’t have the budget. And to be honest, I’m so glad!! YM and YW are different and should ben it is fair in its unfairness, is that makes sense.
    At any rate, I am thrilled for the new program!! Can’t wait to see how our youth be involved in hastening the work.

    1. Every YW group has the permission (handbook) to do one fundraiser a year. Our girls are usually fine with funds.

      1. Additional thoughts on this topic: YW might not be forbidden from doing campouts, but one thing to consider that isn’t “equal” is that ym have a ym leader and a scout leader (not to mention an assistant and an entire scout committee) to make fundraising and campouts happen for scouting. It is also built into the system–the scout leader’s main purpose is to organize those campouts etc., whereas young men and women leaders have other (significant) responsibilities. In most wards, it seems that the young women’s presidency is one of the most demanding callings as it is, and so I am not surprised that most are not looking to add the responsibilities of “scoutmaster” to the list.

        1. We have a YW camp director that takes much of that burden off the YW presidency (if they will let her). YW presidency is often one of the most demanding callings, but it really shouldn’t be.

  8. I have never been a fan of scouting, even though I come from a huge scouting family. It always took a lot of time and the money issue always got under my skin. That said, I know that when it was done right it was a good thing. I welcome the change, but find that I am a bit sad about it — which actually surprised me a bit. My oldest boy is 9 and will finish Cubs by the end of 2019. He enjoys going to Cubs and has had good fun there. Although, when we recently moved to a new ward he has enjoyed it less. My dad, who is the super scouter is very sad and I am sad for him. But I do look forward to what the program the church will introduce. My hope for what ever it is, is that the funding is a bit more equal between the boys and the girls.

    1. Much of the funding disparity came from the demands that “Scouting” put on the YM program. Those merit badges and belt loops and stuff are ridiculously expensive. Take that stuff out of the mix and you move a giant step closer to parity.

  9. Addressing the funding disparity between YM and YW – I was a bishop’s counselor for 4 1/2 years and succeeded in doing away with that particular problem. During the semi-annual interviews I had with YW, they often lamented about the “fun” things the YM did. I then explained to them that they needed to talk to their YW leaders and request more “fun” activities. I don’t think the YW leaders were always happy with me, but the girls had the straight scoop on funding.

    1. And for every “fun” thing, there was a boring merit badge class. Once a YW leader demanded a camp out for the girls, i said that would be fine, as long as they all earned the Citizenship in the Community merit badge, too. She never asked again. Missed opportunity!

  10. I am both dismayed and rejoicing at this announcement. My great grandfather was known at the District office as “anonymous” when he went in to make a donation every month. My grandfather, was inactive most of his life, but his rule as scoutmaster was….if you are not there to serve the sacrament on Sunday, there is no reason to come and play on Wednesday. My mother attended Woodbadge when she was 4 months pregnant with my baby brother. None of my brothers nor I earned our Eagle award. All of our sons have. In fact it took my son a full extra year to be awarded his after he completed the requirements because I wanted him to earn it, to include making the phone call for his board.
    My wife spent 12 years as YW president, only taking a 3 year break to be RS president in the middle. In the mean time I served in the bishopric or YM program.
    I loved going to Girls’ Camp, and so often wished that we could make the young mens’ camp more spiritual.
    A few years ago, I was made Scout master. I got a good talking to when I refused to attend the Stake’s merit badge mill. But the Stake President let me do it my way. Most of the mothers were a bit upset when they saw “white shirt and tie” on the packing list, because they knew that they would have a load of laundry to do Saturday afternoon. The boys loved it. Especially their silent hike just before dawn Saturday morning, dressed in shorts, hiking boots, and a white shirt and tie. Then a sunrise testimony meeting.
    I am hoping that the new YM program will mirror the YW program for summer, and that both programs will continue with activities.

    Now that I think about it, this is just like the new “ministering” program that has gotten rid of Home/visiting teaching. There is no “organized” program. It is up to the leaders, and youth leaders, to step up and strengthen each other. I am looking forward to it. YW have the combined activity for tonight. Can’t wait to see what it is.

  11. I liked how organized it was, and how intense it was. We knew every week what to do because smart talented people wrote a curriculum of activity that led to skills and achievement. As a scouter and wood-badge instructor, I’ve trained and been over-trained, and helped boys to find themselves and identify their talents. My father in law was a welder by trade and as a scoutmaster, he taught all of his boys how that worked. Most of his troop became welders. In our country, we don’t have an apprenticeship to journeyman path. Scouting merit badges were one way for a boy to find out his passion and talents. I will miss this part. What I hope does not happen is the loss of activity and a sole focus on spirituality – prayer and scripture study only. While these are the Sunday School answers for a good reason, the loss of activities where we make friends and bring friends into the church would be a shame. We used to have road shows, dance festivals, basketball leagues, and difficult camping challenges, and as a girl I loved them. Those went away so only the boys had adventures. It was only the super leader who kept it up within their small unit, not church wide or stake wide. I am hoping for a robust, active, challenging blast of a program for all youth. I’ll do my best to support the Prophet’s program.

  12. My Harry was Ray. I love Scouting, and became more and more dismayed as the organization tried to bend to fit every whim and idea. The strong and true principles pressed in the Scout Oath, to which I am bound, having taken that Oath, were attacked on every side. Where is Duty to God, Country, and Self taught anymore? Where is the commitment to help other people, and to keep oneself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight? An amoral, self centered, entitled society rejected those principles and publicly attacked those who attempted teach those principles.

    I hope that someday we will still be able to correct a bully by reminding him or her that their actions are not kind nor friendly. That loyalty matters, people can count on your, and holding the door is simple courtesy, not a statement of gender difference or superiority. Oh that we had trustworthy and brave leaders. That men and women had reverence for sacrifice and service, and the symbols that represent these things. That people chose to be obedient and thrifty, avoiding waste of their, and our, resources. Friendly to others, and helpful in time of need.

    Whether Scouts continue or not, there are millions who were positively affected by these words, and keep the Oaths they took, and obey the Scout Law.

  13. Like you and many others that have commented, I have mixed feelings about the change. Scouting was generally good for me both as a young man and then as a father and leader of young men for nearly three decades. Our small Ward here in Mississippi has produced an unusually high number of Eagle Scouts over the past 15 years, mainly due to some excellent and committed leaders and families. Your comments also brought some nostalgic reminders of the countless hours sacrificed by leaders in my behalf, and in my sons’ behalf, all done in the name of Scouting.

    Just one tidbit to add. Back in 2013 when BSA was struggling with its position on Scouts and leaders who openly live in same-sex relationships, I was privileged to attend a Priesthood training meeting with Elder L. Tom Perry. During the Q&A part, the first question asked was about what the Church might do if BSA decided to do something that went against the stance of the Church. In his usual direct style, Elder Perry responded, “Well, if they do, we’ll go our own way. It will break President Monson’s heart, but the Church can’t move from principle.”

  14. Surprisingly, I have mixed feelings too. My father had health issues, and my mother had to take on a lot of the provider responsibilities, so I had no parental support in the Scout program, and the program failed me completely. I stayed active in the church, but I rarely attended mutual, as most of the activities (at least in my teenage mind) were scouting related. That being said, I did see the value in the program, and when I had boys of my own, I have done all I could to support their scouting activities. I have had to work through some metal blocks and negative associations I have had with the program since childhood, but I have done my best. Despite all this, I have been saddened to see the BSA cave to political correctness and societal pressures to transform into a very different organization. I have been expecting the Church’s complete split, but I’m still sad to see it happen. I can only hope the new Church program will incorporate some of the good things that Scouts provided, but I know it will be better for the youth overall. Thanks for letting me find some catharsis in this comment.

  15. Bro. MMM you are certainly correct about the Young Women being free to do anything, but their leaders just not wanting to. I grew up with a YW leader who was raised in the LDS colonies in Mexico. She took us hiking and primitive camping regularly, taught us how to find direction using the sun and stars, and lots of other useful things. I love her like you love Harry! Having four boys we were active in Scouting for many years and know the value of that program. Whatever the church introduces will be inspired, but successful only if the local leaders make it so. Just like the Come Follow Me teaching, the “new” ministering, and the combined Melchizedek priesthood quorum. The success of anything in the church depends on the obedience, faithfulness and inspiration of the local leadership and members. We live in exciting times with everything pointing us to the Second Coming of the Savior!

  16. My memories of scouting are less fond. As a kid, I loved Cub Scouts. I collected the beads and arrowheads, I went to the day camps, I filled out the books with my mother, and I had fun. We moved a lot, and I was often the outsider in my community pack, And sometimes I was the only LDS cub there. But Imstill (overall) enjoyed it.

    Then I turned 12 and joined the BSA troop in our ward. It was dudgery. Every meeting was spent either talking about the previous campout, or planning the next one. There was little support for working on merit badges, and there were no scouting activites held except for the campouts. Finances were tight, and I didn’t really fit in with the other boys, so camping never appealed or was an option. Fortunately, our ward had plenty of YM/quorum activities that were not part of scouting, or I suspect I would have drifted a lot during those years.

    My son did Cub Scouts, and seemed to enjoy the activites, but found himself in a similar place as me when he turned 12. We actually went camping a couple of times, and enjoyed it reasonably well, but he never felt like Scouting met his needs. I wished so often that our ward had had a separate Young Men’s program, so that he would have had someplace he felt he fit in. Im very interested to see what the new activity program will be like, even though it will be too late for him to be involved.

  17. As a young man, I attended three different Scout Camps and even worked at two different Boy Scout Camps. I earned my Eagle Scout and truly wanted to love Scouting. Unfortunately what scouting in the LDS church aimed to be and actually was vastly differed on the local level.
    I would probably put Scouting Troops in the Church on a Spectrum of 1 to 5. From having the most principly committed Leaders and Youth (Level 5). To having uncommitted (and sometimes unprincipled) Leaders and Youth. (Level 1). With many variations in between.

    My largest schism between me and Scouting began over the course of several years when I saw frequently saw the glaring contrast in character between the young men achieving rank in scouting and their actual commitment the stated values. Although this was not necessarily the rule in the several wards I attended, often those who were strongly committed to achievement of Merit Badges and Rank were not necessarily the kids who were actually committed to living the principles and develop the character espoused by scouting in the troop of their personal lives. Frequently Eagle Scouts who earned their rank at younger ages 13-15 tended to forget their commitment to others in scouting after achieving their rank and tended to only go through the motions rather than develop the character the Scouting Program was supposed to help instill.
    I’ve met many duplicitous young men who achieved Eagle Scout. Or in other words- Achieving an Eagle Scout Rank does not equal a morally outstanding citizen and Latter-day Saint.

    Last night when the email from the Church was sent to the general membership I was in a Presidency Meeting. We were just discussing establishing a Prospective Elders Committee to help with all the young men who fell through the cracks after Scouting as they failed to transition into Adulthood. A significant number of the non-attending Prospective Elders achieved their Eagle Rank within the last few years. Why did they not transition in the gospel to either serving a mission, attending college, or working and or remain active in the faith? Around this time of the discussion I opened the email and read the headline of the change of the LDS Church and Scouting BSA. The answer became even more apparent to me as I read that headline.

    Needless to say, I believe that Scouting in the church has ceased to effectively teach, instill, and imbue young men the skills and the character to adequately be converted to Christ and his Gospel. This is in contrast with the Young Women’s Program. When I asked my wife about her experiences in Young Womens, when she and I reflect our experiences with helping with the Young Women’s Program- the contrast between Young Women’s Program (of helping sisters become better converted to Christ and his Gospel) with that of the Young Men’s and Scouting Program is STARK. With all of the changes that happened with the Priesthood Quorums and Ministry during our last General Conference, I was honestly surprised that there hadn’t also been an announcement of the complete dissolution of Scouting Program.

    I am glad to see the Lord and His Church leaving the Scouting Program and creating a more unified experience for Primary Children and Youth alike in knowing and living the Gospel more fully and becoming better Converted to Christ and His Gospel. (I wouldn’t be surprised if the changes from Scripture Mastery to Doctrinal Mastery in Seminary weren’t also now going to be incorporated in the new Primary and Youth Programs. Only time will tell.) I am excited to see this new era in the church.

  18. The new announcement about what is replacing it seems to include all the good stuff of scouting but for less money and tailored to each unit wherever in the world they are. I think this has been in the works for a long time and cutting off the Varsity and Exploring part at the first of the year was the beginning. Nothing is done quickly in the Church. When my DH was in Scouting back in the 1990s it cost at least $100 (gas, etc.) personally for every camp out he went on, so with inflation now, that could be a burden on many people. If anyone wants to continue in Scouting they can always move to the community units both for the boys and leaders. I can see that boys who might be lukewarm about it right now will just quit trying in the next 18 months, or there will be a huge push to get the boys currently in that age group to finish their Eagle as soon as possible.

  19. Some of my favorite childhood memories were scout activities. Some of my most horrible memories are also scouting related.

    I feel like I had good experiences in spite of the scout program and not because of it. The camping with other boys and enthusiastic scout masters provided the framework for good experiences. The curriculum provided by the merit badges was valuable, however, the awards and ceremony were at best an expensive distraction.

    I hope the new program includes the opportunities for a varied education without the pretentious ceremony and paperwork.

    In my mind the typical tan scout shirt is the perfect metaphor for the scout program. It has good intentions. It needs to be functional and support a scout in their activities. In reality it costs 5x more than it should and is so terribly uncomfortable that it interferes with the very activities it was designed to support.

  20. Excellent thoughts and spot on reflections. I have been involved in Cubs, ‘Blazers’, Boy Scouts, and Varsity Scouting for the past 40 years. I will continue to have fond memories and the ‘antics’ of the boys & young men I ‘guided’. . (even though I didn’t particulay care for the endless roundtables I attended).

  21. Per usual, you speak my heart. Even though I’m a woman and not an Eagle Scout, I have parented a few Eagles- and I love what scouting taught us.

  22. Now in my 60’s I still have fond and vivid memories of my scouting days. Brothers Smith and Linderman were influential in my life – to such a degree in fact, that I later wrote to them (I was a scoutmaster myself) thanking them for the gift of scouting in my life. It made a wonderful difference in my growing up. But over the years the enthusiasm for scouting has waned, even in the Church, in parents and the boys themselves. There are too many other things that draw a boys attention. Back in my day there was Little League and Scouting. But with the social changes that (sadly) have devalued Scouting as a program for Church YM, it was only a matter of time. I have no doubt that a robust and fun program will emerge to help prepare YM for the days and years ahead. I have faith that our leaders see what’s coming (Amos 3:7) and the new programs will help both YM and YW “be prepared” to carry the load. p.s. I just hope the Girl Scouts don’t go out of business… I can’t imagine life without Thin Mints and Samoas.

  23. I too am feeling similar nostalgia after a life of connections with Scouting- only my “Harry” was named Don. My sons are Eagles as am I; I too have been Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, Venture Coach, tag-along dad, etc. I’ve helped boys walk and paddle further than they knew they had the strength to do (though we older guys knew they could). I’ve laughed around campfires, learned about fingerprinting and leather working, smiled with pride when I learned my son performed a successful “fishhook-ectomy” on his scout leader’s finger and witnessed many times the informal- yet, equally ingrained- final attribute in the Scout law that you left off (…”and hungry”). BSA tried to appease increasingly diverse and litigious segments of an increasingly amoral /atheistic society that proved too difficult a task to pull off. Somewhere along the way the soul of Boys Scouts was bartered away for a mess of pottage. And for that many of us have felt a deep sense of loss. Scouting pursued what now appears to have been a fools errand of trying to be all things to all people and I for one, feel saddened by it. That said, I am full of hope for tomorrow as the LDS Church grabs ahold of the YM and YW (and children’s) programs and steers them towards the broadening global needs of a growing church population. Maybe I won’t be a scoutmaster again, but perhaps I will be allowed to be a “grandpa-minister” on the Lord’s support team helping the rising generation of kids and youth.

    1. Well-said Steve. The world is changing before our very eyes in an accelerated way. Truly amazing to be a part of it. Can you imagine what will our grand children think when they are our age?

  24. Thank you for this post! Like I have said elsewhere, Scouting helped me raise my boys (mind you, some of those leaders were just big boys themselves and I had to keep an eye on them, too, lol) and I appreciate all the time and energy put into that program, and the experiences my kids had. (And I appreciated working with my boys in Cubs). We’ll see what happens now! I, personally, like chan
    ge–as long as it is for the better!

  25. Many if us have been anticipating this move from the church, and It seems unavoidable with all the changes nationwide. But it’s still sad that my grandsons will grow up in a world without a Scoutmaster at church to take them camping and teaching them good values.

    1. Hopefully they will still do all of that, just with a leader with a different title.

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