You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide – I’m Everywhere Today

Due to a cosmic alignment, I am being featured on not one, but TWO podcasts today. Yes, I am proudly humble to have been invited to be a guest on “Latter-day Lives,” and “The Cultural Hall.”

Thanks to Shawn and Richie, (the hosts) for having me on – it was a lot of fun.

If you are driving around today, or have some time to kill, I invite you to check it out.

We talk about all sorts of stuff. One of them was recorded at 6:30am last week, so I’m not exactly sure what I might have said.

I also talk about my novella, which, if you hurry, you can still get in time for Christmas.

Here are the links:

Latter Day Lives

The Cultural Hall


Thanks, and have a great pre-Christmas week.


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