Fashionable Bloggers to the Rescue – My Blog needs a makeover!

Yes.  My blog is ugly.  Unlike yours, and yours, and yours. I feel lost between a world of cuteness and frills on one hand, and boring on the other.  Right now ten million other people are using the exact same background as me. I need a background that screams “Middle-aged Mormon Man”. (It doesn’t really need to scream – a whisper, or even a wink and a shrug will do)
I want it to look nice. Not only nice, but…
MANLY, but not in a “sleeping in the hollowed out carcass of a moose to avoid freezing to death in a brutal Alaskan blizzard” kind of way.
CLASSY, but not in a “black furniture, glass and chrome, NYC bachelor, yoga posing, pedicure getting, I wear trendy glasses even though I don’t need them” sort of way.
MATURE, but not in an “AARP, Bonanza reruns, I knew her before she was Mrs. Potts, take a book to the bathroom” sort of way.
INVITING in a “graying like George Clooney, but man enough to get married, get up, go to work, come home , kiss my wonderful EC, sit around the dinner table with the FOMLs, be super-busy, try to be righteous, and be quite content with life” sort of way.
If you could be of any assistance, please comment or email me at middleagedmormonman@gmail.com
I will post the best choices, then maybe have you help me decide.
Thanks ladies!  (and any gentlemen in the CLASSY category above)

About the author


  1. Tom: Thanks! I checked out your blogs and decided that your fitness blog will be of good report and praiseworthy to me in my quest to look less like a High Priest. Welcome aboard!

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