Choose Your Poison

The following is an absolutely true account of a conversation I eavesdropped overheard while fine-dining at KFC with my EC the other day. Two thirty-something-ish women were engaged in a serious, and kinda loud, conversation.  I’ll call them Deb & Jen:

Deb:  Well, we finally got my parents off of soda.
Jen:   What do you mean?
Deb:  Oh, I thought you knew. My parents are huge soda addicts.
Jen:  What do you mean by “huge”?
Deb:  They both drink several two-liters everyday. It is disgusting.
Jen:  That is so bad for you.
Deb:  Yeah, all that sugar and chemicals. So we decided we needed to tell them to stop. We all got together and confronted them about it, and they actually stopped completely.
Jen:  That’s good, right?
Deb: Yeah, but now they’re drunk all the time.


About the author


  1. Not ready to kick that habit yet. Maybe when water becomes flavored like Pepsi, is a little bubbly and has caffeine in it….Oh wait…:/

  2. HA HA! No chemicals in beer. 100% natural.

    I have been off soda for 10 days now. I crave Pepsi like you wouldn’t believe, but I feel a lot better.

  3. Diet Coke all the way, no sugar to worry about… you said to choose your poison, or was that a hypotheical comment? Anyway I still choose Diet Coke!

  4. I love that their discussing her parent’s disgusting and unhealthy habit while enjoying some KFC.

    Diet Coke is what keeps me off the Moonshine.

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