100th Post: Updates

Yes, today is my 100th post. Not many by most blogger’s standards, but I am quite confident that at least 4 of them were good. To celebrate, I am going to revisit some of those posts and bring you up to speed on what has happened since. As Brother Bueller taught us, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Thanks for reading – it makes it much more fun, and I am sure you are all the better for it.  (Even if you are too stubborn, scared, or selfish to sign up as a follower.)


On March 24, 2011, I penned an “Open Letter to the Chicken Wing Farmers of America.”  I felt it to be such a masterful work, I sent it to the four largest chicken producers in the United States.  Of the four, only Tyson Foods responded:

Dear Mr. MMM:

Thank you very much for your email. Your comments and suggestions have been reported to our Marketing Team and to the Research and Development Team as we continue to improve our selection and service. 

Thank you again for your comments and for your interest in our products.


Christina Xxxx

Consumer Relations Representative
Tyson Foods, Inc.

I feel I did my part. No need to thank me – it wasn’t purely selfless. Strangely enough, neither the Marketing Team nor the R&D Team have contacted me. I guess I will just sit back and await the changes.

On March 12th, 2011, I wrote  in “Mecca Lecca High” about my curiosity regarding the fact that after the United States, most of my blog visits came from Saudi Arabia.  So, in the spirit of fellowship I reached my digital hand across the world to them. In return, they stopped visiting my blog. Entirely.
I am more convinced than ever that it was the Mullahs. Accordingly, I would like to reaffirm that I meant no disrespect when I rhymed your faith with the word “Buzlim”.  It was obviously a typo. Please do not cut off my hands. Or let gas get to $5 a gallon.

On March 8, 2011, I posted about “Blogging and Self-Discovery“. Of course the discovery ended with ice cream.  I can now report that two weeks ago I did try the new Jimmy Fallon inspired “Late Night Snack” ice cream.
It was OK. The chocolate covered potato chips sounded better than they ended up. They were too crumbled, and actually tasted a bit greasy. Less chip than lump.  Thankfully, there is still “Everything But The…” flavor – another of many signs that God does love us and want us to be happy.


Thanks again for reading. There are a few more things that need updated, but they will have to wait. I have a life you know.

About the author


  1. Congratulations!

    I hope that the drop-off from Saudi Arabia is more than offset by an increase in readers from such exotic locales as West Virginia!

  2. Congratulations! 100, wow. And thanks for the heads up on the ice cream. You saved me about a thousand calories. Will you try all high-calorie delicious-sounding food for me, and let me know if it is worth it? That would save me some time on the treadmill, thanks.

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