Button, Button, Who’s Got a Button?

I do! I do!

Yes, it is true.  I have a button now. In my quest to be recognized as a skilled and legitimate blogger, I have created a button that you can proudly display on your blog. Just knowing that you are helping spread the message is good for your soul. This is a proud occasion. Let’s just call it my “Navin R. Johnson” moment.

Special thanks to Mindi for teaching me how to do the cool blog roll on side of the page. She is a digital goddess. She works for free, and is willing to help anyone and everyone with even the slightest technical problem. Feel free to email her, or even to show up at her house for free tech support. I dare you.

Should you like to be included in my high-tech animated blog roll deelie-bopper, please let me know. It is a relatively pain-free screening process. There are only three there right now, but they are the best of the best. If you are among the chosen, I can guarantee that visits to your blog will dramatically increase no less than 1.5 visits per month. Hard to believe, I know. But it is true. I wield that kind of power in the digital world.


I do remember playing “Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button” when I was a small schoolboy.  I also remember that there was inevitably one kid who would never pass the cussin’ button. He would walk around and around faking the handoff without ever giving anyone the button. It drove us crazy. Our 2nd grade teacher is lucky to have never had a “Lord of the Flies” moment.

“Thumbs up, Seven-up” was also one of my favorites.  However, I don;t know if they still play this game due to copyright infringement of the term “7-Up”.

About the author


  1. I want a button roll! I need a helper of electronic proportions. Plus I think you are hilarious about 7-up and all. And also 1.5 per month. That was a good one too, also, as well. 🙂

  2. OK, I’ll take the dare. How do I get in touch with this Mindi of whom you speak? The Den could use a refresh. Hook a brother in the gospel up, por favor!

  3. Yes heads up 7-up was by far the best game. And isn’t Mindi the best-now if she would just blog every once in a while on her blog 😉 love that girl

    And if you wanted to add my button I wouldn’t cry or anything.

  4. The blog roll looks great to me!

    I’ve been called many things but digital goddess has not been one. I think I will get a license plate with that on it!

  5. Glad you’ve got a digital hero as a friend! Just found you from Cheeseboy’s blog and I’m your newest follower 🙂
    PS – I’d love to be included in your button roll!

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