Family Finances – Penny Style

This is my 99th post.
I figured I should do something worthwhile before I hit the 100 mark.

By exploiting the current trend of using pennies to explain politics, I have created a masterful demonstration of how family budgets work. It did take a great deal of time and talent, but I care about you, and your families. (It’s that “charity” thing. Can’t help it)

Please learn. You might want to take notes.

Feel free to share this with your friends and loved ones.
You can find it on YouTube here.


About the author


  1. As a former Ward Financial Clerk and now counselor in the Bishopric with responsibility for reconciling tithes and offerings, I freely admit that on more than one occasion I have considered acts of violence against those who thought it clever to pay tithing in copious amounts of coin. Yeah, it’s not good. Well done on the explanation, Brother.

  2. Dont know if you are interested in Blog Awards but if so I’ve got one for ya! I really dig your style and sense of humor.

    The Versatile Blogger Award. (I dont have acces to a style and sense of humor award. Sorry.)

    Come get it here:


  3. That was outstanding. But I wish I would have gotten the ‘don’t pay tithing in pennies advice’ a few years ago. Now I know why brother jones hates me.

  4. I loved loved loved this! hilarious about wants and needs. I agree whole heartedly. My favorite part was the thirst buster. I’m headin out to go get one now myself. Goes down smooth, don’t it?

    Great post!

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