Goodnight Easter

I had decided to let Easter go un-blogged. It is intensely personal to me, but I decided to share a brief thought before I let go of this day.
During the past decade I lost my mother at 65 years of age, my father at 77 years of age, and my older brother at 47 years of age. All of them too soon. Half of my immediate family has now passed on to the next life.
What does Easter mean to me? The resurrection of Jesus Christ fills me with the exciting knowledge that one day I will see them again – in the flesh. I will be able to hug and kiss my mom and dad. I will be able to crush my brother with a bear hug. I will be able to recount my experiences and learn of theirs. We will be reunited. Forever.
Why? Because my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, son of the Eternal Father, and a mortal mother, was able to return from the world of spirits and be reunited with His body. In a perfect form: Eternal, glorious and powerful. Because He is the Son of God, and He is perfect, and He is powerful.
I love Easter. I love my Savior.
One more Reese’s Egg and I’m off to bed.

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