March 14, 2011 Yoo-Hoo Unto Jesus Sunday in Priesthood opening exercises we sang “How Firm a Foundation”. It is one of the all-time favorite hymns, everybody knows it, and…
March 14, 2011 Sunday Naptime Profundity #4 OK: So I took my nap today first. I deserved it. I stumbled upon a nice article on “What do Mormon’s Believe” a non-church-sanctioned…
March 12, 2011 Mecca Lecca High… Last night I looked at my blogger stats, and stumbled across a very surprising item: The vast majority of visits to my blog came…
March 11, 2011 Itty-Bitty True Miracles of Service pt.1 Years ago, as I was serving with the Boy Scouts in our ward, I experienced an itty-bitty miracle. I feel that after 20+ years,…
March 10, 2011 Age Check – Primary Songs “I am so old!”“How old are you?”“I’m so old I learned to sing “I am a Child of God” before they messed with the…
March 9, 2011 Liver Me Out of It Last night my EC went to Homemaking Meeting, Personal, Family, Home Enrichment – Relief Society Meeting, which meant I had a free night to…